Welcome to “TOMATOMA”
Instruction of this database
This database “TOMATOMA” was created for the purpose of introducing and providing the scientist for Micro-Tom mutant seeds generated by EMS treatment or gamma-ray irradiation. Users who wish to use our materials will need to agree with requirement below. This project is supported by National bioresource project tomato (NBRP tomato: http://tomato.nbrp.jp/indexEn.html) launched in Japan since 2007.
We request users to send us Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) prior to providing our materials. Please refer to MTA sample.
Users have to send us two copies of MTA. We keep one copy and users keep another copy of MTA.
Please send two copies of MTA to the following address
To: NBRP tomato
Tsukuba Plant Innovation Research Center, University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572, Japan
Although we generally request to contract MTA on every order, there is no need to send the MTA again if you would like to get the same lines you ordered before. In this case, you still have to pay for the seeds.
We provide you for 3-15 mutant seeds per line.
There maybe lines included in which seed germination ratio is not very good. Some mutant lines may not show expected phenotypes observed in our database.
We may stop providing seeds of mutant lines that have limited number of seeds. We will restart providing seeds of these lines after we propagate enough seeds.
Users who used our materials MUST acknowledge as below when they report their research as research papers. Please describe like this in acknowledgement: The tomato resource used in this research was provided by the National BioResource Project (NBRP), MEXT, JAPAN.
For more information, email to
requestomato[at]t-pirc.tsukuba.ac.jp(When you send an email, please change [at] to @).